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We have nine modern raw material silos with a total capacity of approx. 600 tons for feeding the production facilities and storing the granulate. There are also unloading facilities for silo vehicles, containers, octabins and big bags. In addition to a modern silo system (mixing silos and standard silos), the production facilities are connected to smaller containers in the line concept, so that smaller quantities can also be packaged flexibly and directly. Our seven finished goods silos - four of which are designed as mixing silos (multi-pipe) and three as standard silos - have a total capacity of approx. 400 tons. In addition, we have facilities for indoor and outdoor storage with a capacity of approx. 3,500 tons. We also have loading and unloading facilities for silo vehicles, containers and trucks. Our products are loaded in big bags, as bagged goods, in octabins or as bulk goods. Our modern inventory management system with barcode reader ensures efficient warehouse evaluations.

Laboratory services


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